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The client

Zafiro Hotels is a prestigious chain of resort-style hotels in the Balearic Islands that stands out for its quality services. Providing the best possible guest experience is their top priority. This is why they have been striving to digitize their customer journey for some time. As of 2018, they were one of the first chains to adopt this trend. Initially, guests were provided with information through an app. Progress in technology, however, added a technological twist. Guests would be able to access room service and amenities using their smartphones at the hotel. Moreover, they wanted to streamline and digitize the restaurant and spa reservation system, as well as reduce paper usage.



hotels. STAY has digitized 11 of Zafiro’s 12 hotels


rooms can use the app


unique users in Q3 (July-October)

The challenge

Zafiro Hotels launched an informative app in 2018, but they wanted to go the extra mile by digitizing their services

In our interview with Andreu Cladera, App Manager and Graphic Designer of the chain, we learned more about the brand. “We already invested in an app for our guests in 2018. It was, however, fundamentally informative. We provided guests with a list of everything they could do at our hotels. It was fine, but the sector has evolved since then.”

“We also wanted to digitize restaurant menus: an app that guests could use to check-out using their smartphones too. We were looking into technology that would allow us to digitize reservations in our restaurants... We needed to speed up hotel operations so that guests could order food and drinks from their smartphones, or request a pillow without having to visit the reception desk... STAY provided us with the solution to our challenge, and the result has been fantastic." 

“In 2018, we offered a guest information app, but times have changed and we needed to go the extra mile. Our guests should be able to book a table, talk to the staff, or request room service from their smartphones.”

The solution

Through a "very functional and easy-to-use app" STAY digitized Zafiro Hotel’s services.”

Zafiro Hotels knocked on STAY's door after searching the market for months. They found the tool they needed, since some of its features addressed their challenge at its core.

Cladera's words are more valuable because he manages their app's content. “It is a very functional app, the room service option has worked very well with our guests, and we have also implemented the management of reservations for restaurants and spa, which is extremely intuitive and has resulted in a lot of revenue for us." 

For any queries, Zafiro Hotels’ guests no longer need to pick up an outdated telephone or go down to reception. They do it via their smartphones. "The implementation of a chat between guests and staff has helped us greatly speed up our work and reduce queues at reception. Along with the chat, we also introduced a strategy to inform guests how to interact with us through the app." 

The App Manager and Graphic Designer at Zafiro says: "the app is extremely convenient for obvious reasons. By introducing it in our daily operations, we are able to organize ourselves better. When making digital requests, the guest receives an immediate response. Now, for instance, our restaurant manager has full control over the situation. Our digital reservation system will allow our staff to anticipate different scenarios and plan in advance, so they will be more prepared for any kind of situation.” 

By removing many mechanical tasks from the hotel receptionist's plate, Zafiro Hotel’s operations have been improved, enabling them to spend more time with guests. It is now more attractive and less routine to work at Zafiro Hotels as a receptionist. 

“In addition, the training provided to our staff was effective and fast. Once you get used to the app, it's very intuitive and easy to use.”

The day-to-day management of the spa, the room service, the restaurants and the entertainment services has changed for them. “A concierge chat was implemented between the staff and guests at the Zafiro Palace Andratx. It is enabled between 10 and 18 in the afternoon, since the app can also be customized to suit your needs. We are freed up a lot by this 'concierge chat' and guests can communicate with employees from anywhere.” 

“Prior to STAY's concierge chat, calls or simple requests took a long time. The guest who didn't know how to close the window, for instance, would go down to reception, they would call the technical service, and they would have to wait, causing them to feel displaced. Everything is now managed more efficiently and effectively. Everyone will find it very convenient." According to Cladera, concierge chat is often used to request room service as well as pillows, changing towels... ”.

  • More control over their restaurants
  • Forecasts of raw material consumption
  • Digital room service requests increase revenue
  • The hotel can provide better service by adapting to the guest's language
  • A relaxing and convenient stay for guests
  • Service visibility
  • A sustainable approach

“The staff at Zafiro Hotels find the app easy to use and update, and training was quick. The management of our hotels has been simplified and improved thanks to STAY.”

The results

"Shorter waiting, times, better staff control, less paper usage and convenience for guests"

Andreu Cladera is pleased with the results of STAY implementation. “There is no chaos in restaurant management. Purchasing raw materials is even better anticipated. Our team is constantly updated. It is very important and convenient for guests to be able to book from their mobiles, especially during high season. It is now possible for them to book even a week in advance." 

A similar benefit applies to room service: "It's very convenient. You avoid visiting the reception, and you limit the use of the traditional telephone by both guests and staff. The app is adapted for those who prefer English, German, Scandinavian languages, or Spanish. But the main advantage is that the guest can request almost everything  from anywhere, in the most convenient way.” 

Additionally, the use of STAY increases revenue. “As a result of digitization, the process between the guest's consumption impulse and their purchase is faster. Our response times are now shorter. Because everything is automated, the order is delivered to the guest's room within minutes. Previously, it was sometimes impossible to pick up the phone in time, or things were slow. There has been a lot of improvement.”

As a result of implementing STAY and making everything flow naturally, Cladera highlights the reputation of Zafiro Hotels. “The service has become more personalized, you can communicate with the guest through the app as if he or she were a friend. The number of downloads of the application has been quite high. It has also been very successful managing reservations for our spas and therapists throughout our hotels.” 

The service offering is also more visible. “With smartphones and QR codes, you can send the guest wherever the creator of the QR wants, and that makes services much more visible. We have created QRs for entertainment shows, room service, and communication with reception.” 

In addition, banners with promotions can be created within the app. “Having the option of enabling offers and promotions makes services visible that might otherwise be hidden. It is also helpful when it comes to using all your resources, for example to increase the consumption of a certain product for whatever reason. Thanks to the digital reservation system, restaurant staff now have a clear forecast of what will be consumed. It prevents us from wasting food ”.

Today, sustainability is a clear trend in the sector.  At Zafiro Hotels, they know it well. They are now able to save a lot of paper with STAY. 

“Although we are still printing menu cards, we have greatly reduced the amount of paper we use in our daily operations. In Spain, a law limited its use, but thanks to STAY, we went ahead with it. We have eliminated maps, brochures in the rooms, spa catalogs, etc. Almost all of the corporate paperwork has been digitized, as well as many of the services." Currently, his project is to include activities outside of the hotel in the app, such as excursions.

According to Andreu Cladera, if a colleague considers implementing STAY, he would emphasize its ease of use and the flexibility of offering multiple services through a single app. “Besides being functional and easy to use, it is visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing as well. In Zafiro, for example, we wanted something beautiful and appealing for the client. It should also have an intuitive user experience, with well-marked sections, and the ability to insert informative PDFs, letters, and reservation menus in just two or three clicks. Guest and staff find it very easy to use, and the results are excellent."

“With STAY, we are in control of the restaurants, we have short response times for our guests, both in room service and in issue management, and we can customize the service for each guest”.

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