How STAY helped Senda Hotels grow by giving their services a higher level of visibility
"With STAY, our revenue has increased dramatically. It makes sense. The higher accessibility, the greater consumption. Our services are more visible".
Carlos Rocha
Coordinator of Senda Hotels

Carlos Rocha is Senda Hotels’ coordinator. It's one of Colombia's crown jewels in the hospitality industry. He emphasized STAY's role in making their service offerings more visible. He explained how that led to Senda's revenues increasing as well. Improving the guest experience.
The client
Senda is the jewel in the crown of Colombia's hotel industry. These hotels are in the Tayrona region. A natural park located in the north Caribbean. About 12,000 acres of wildlife. The wonders of Tayrona don't stop on land, you can also see fish, sharks, crustaceans, and more in the sea. Staying at Senda hotels is like living in heaven.
Boutique hotels in the Colombian Northern Caribbean
+8K $
Average sales
The challenge
Senda wanted to develop new services, but the logistics needed to be more flexible. That’s why they tried STAY. And that’s why they succeeded
The coordinator of Senda Hotels, Carlos Rocha, tells us how they first started using STAY. In the beginning, they managed 22 rooms. However, their chain quickly grew. So they made sure to meet everyone's needs right away. They focused on providing and enhancing a world-class guest experience. That’s why they decided to digitize their service offering with STAY.
“During our journey, everything went really well right from the beginning. Yet at Senda, we are constantly working on improving and growing. Focusing on the guest experience is the key to our success. This is why we sought to offer a broader range of services.".
"We needed to provide better information to our guests. Our goal was to ensure that they had everything at their fingertips. They receive a lot of information when they get here. And there are areas in Tayrona with long distances to some of our facilities. Therefore, we needed to provide interactive maps to our guests to enhance their experience. Just as an example”.
The equivalent of an outstanding guest experience is more and better information.
The way Rocha describes their dilemma is very visual. Showcasing how STAY helped them become a better hotel in many ways. "One of our ambassadors welcomes tourists when they arrive at the hotel reception".
“As if they were receptionists, they describe the Tayrona rules and our service offerings. Our hotels are far from the urban area. And we know that people try to, at least temporarily, disconnect from work. We want to ensure that they have everything necessary to do so”.
Rocha adds: "We remind them to follow the rules. All the important things that have to do with our mission and values. Because we are an ecotourism hotel that incorporated a number of environmental improvements into its structure to minimize its environmental impact”.
“Guests who receive too much information upon arrival may forget the small print. It is important to keep certain things in mind at all times. Before STAY, this was difficult to accomplish. Now that STAY is implemented, everything is easier for both staff and guests”.
"Right from the start, everything went smoothly. Senda needed to give guests better info, though. We wanted a tool that was easy to use and STAY met all our needs".
Carlos Rocha
Coordinator of Senda Hotels
The Solution
Senda was able to offer a wider range of services after implementing STAY. It would not have been possible without technology
Oliver Blanco, the Spanish CEO, started scanning the market. He had a clear goal in mind. "We must digitize our services," he said. “Nobody can stop my boss when something gets in his head", highlights Rocha.
"The rest of the staff came to realize that the STAY app is a brilliant idea immediately after Oliver Blanco showed us how it works. It's a simple, attractive and intuitive system for both guests and employees. I knew right away that this was the cornerstone for new services. STAY made it super easy to implement them".
The pilot test at Koguiwa was the first step. A 22-room hotel with palm leaf roofs, the largest hotel in Senda. There were many things they were doing well, but they needed a digital solution. To deliver a flexible guest experience.
“We have a swimming pool, bars, restaurants, a lake, the natural beauty of River Piedra and gardens surrounding the hotel and of course, Tayrona... Furthermore, we offer a reception service, laundry service, romantic dinner service, among others".
That's why they contacted STAY. “Patricia, STAY's account manager, gave a short demo of how the app works. She did so in an entertaining and educational manner. After another great explanation, we were able to clear up some doubts”. After that, Senda managed their own content independently.
STAY made an immediate impact on Senda.
"Without STAY, it would have been impossible to implement our new services. Technology helped us to provide a world class guest experience".
Carlos Rocha
Coordinator of Senda Hotels
The Results
With STAY, Senda offers a higher level of service. The higher the accessibility, the greater consumption
Senda had no doubts after a month and a half. “STAY is exactly what we were looking for. It met all our requirements. Furthermore, we faced other improvements in order to make the most of the tool. We installed a better internet connection, for instance. Keep in mind that we are located in a very rural area. But our strategy relies heavily on STAY”.
Revenue increased within a few months. “A recent meeting brought this up. The results are clear. Not to mention the guest experience. Senda uses STAY in their 7 hotels now because it's so easy to design and implement new services. After STAY, we've seen improvements in many areas”.
“There has been a dramatic increase in revenue. It makes sense if you think about it carefully. Everything is in the palm of the guest's hand. On their screens, they can see all the information and service offerings. The higher accessibility, the greater consumption”.
Rocha tells us a personal anecdote. “I received feedback from a close friend who stayed at our hotel in Tayrona. She promised she would be 100% honest. During her time at Senda, my friend told me that the app was her best ally. Her goal was to disconnect from work and relax. Her requests were answered immediately”.
“Effortless", she added.
"STAY allows us to become a better boutique hotel. With a touch of humanity. Our staff keeps track of human interactions through the concierge app. A close, effective, and human relationship with our guests is our goal".